Hello, New Service Store!

We have pushed a few big updates and we are super excited to introduce them to you.🚀 We also want to apologize about the lack of the regular updates, but we in all honesty, were busy rolling out some amazing features for you!

So, from now on, here’s what we’ll be doing ---> We will be sending you regular updates,  2-4 emails every month. Not more than 1 email/week, promise!

So, here's what's new for this week: 🆕

Hello, New Service Store 🏪

We’ve launched our biggest update- the super shiny Service Store. We’ve completely re-designed it with a grid view, a new schedules view and another tab for just your subscriptions. We’ve also added default Filters, a ”Message Us” option to capture more leads.

Just go to Service Store> Set-up on your Dashboard and you’ll be able to see the new Service Store. Everyone who signed up after 30th Oct 2017 will see the new one by default.

Check out a few example Service Stores we created:   https://www.getomnify.com/examples

New shareable Service Details Page 😎

We have also redesigned the new “Service Details” page on your Service Store that you can share across social media. The idea behind this is to get you more clients classes, events & appointments. So, share away️!

Upload Images to Memberships & Class Packs 🤳🏻

You can now upload images to your Subscriptions i.e Class Packs & Memberships. We have also unveiled a new design for the Memberships and Classpack details page,

Add To Calendar 📅  & New Booking Confirmation Page ✅

Our new Booking Confirmation page is Live with the Add To Calendar feature. Your Clients will now be able to add the booked service(s) on their Calendar with just one Click. And, yes it supports Google Calendar, iCal, and even Outlook.

Google Analytics Integration 📊

And lastly, track your visitors and conversions on your new Service Store with our Google Analytics Integration.

Add your GA Tracking ID on your Service store & that’s it!

Here's what's coming up next: 💥

1. Guest Booking

2. Auto-Emails 2.0

3. New Widgets

4. New Wordpress Plugin

Read & Share the update.

Check us our Product Roadmap & vote for your favorite features:️ 👉  http://getomnify.roadmap.space/

If you've any feedback, drop us an email at hello@getomnify.com!

Read about Omnify's new Product Update- Introducing new Service Store, Google Analytics Integration, Add To Calendar and more


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