‍NEW! Better Data = Better Engagement = Better Sales

We have some good news to entail your already awesome weekend ⛱

A good product goes a long way to building an awesome company with tons of happy & awesome customers like you! Having said that, we have been constantly working towards making Omnify a more awesome product than it already is, and are here to share some awesome updates with you.

Okay I’ve used a lot of ‘awesome’s already. Let’s get to what we have for you this week.


1. Engage with your customers in a better way with the new Auto-Emails advancements.

2. We added some powerful features to boost the Facility Calendar.

3. The Sales Export got some serious data increment!

Let’s dive in!

1. Engage with your customers in a better way with the new Auto-Emails advancements.

We launched our new Auto-Emails a month back (ICYMI here’s the link to the update). Today we released a new version where we added the ability to Edit the Booking Confirmation Email.

We  also added additional personalisation tags in the email templates. Personalisation tags are basically dynamic tags like First Name, Service Name, Business Name etc. and is a great way to engage with your clients. You can now add them in the Email Body as well as in the subject line.

Oh, I am also told that you can use emojis in your emails. That’s 🔥

Omnify's auto-emails now lets you add emojis and personalisation tags 😎

Btw, if you want help with copywriting for your Auto-Emails, drop me a line. I will get you a free template :)

2. We added some powerful features to boost the Facility Calendar.

If you are into rental business, you must have been using Omnify’s Facility Rentals feature. With this, you are able to rent out and take bookings for any space for upto 24 hours.

With this update, we have now added advanced capabilities where you will be able to Block single or recurring slots in the facility calendar. We have also made the calendar to work faster than ever before (works like a charm now).  

Omnify's Facility Calendar has now a block feature

3. The Sales Export got some serious data increment!

The Sales Report, yes the Sales Report!! This is one of the biggest value-add as I am told by Joben running AFS.

With the new Sales Export, you can now see different columns for taxes, discounts, mode of payment etc - basically following the standard accounting practices.

Omnify's new Sales Export

We also did get some additional improvements done:

4. Now you can have cash transactions sync up on Xero (via Zapier)

5. You will also see emails next to the payer’s name while using the front desk booking.

6. Lastly, we’ve added a patch for improving the service store loading time which increased the speed by 40%. Three cheers to the Engineering team for that 🍻

Your feedback is GOLD! We’ve been working on improving the product constantly. We’d love to understand your experience with Omnify, the value you’re getting from the product- whether it’s working or not working.

Let us know how it works for you. Drop us a note on chat, email, Tweet to us, or leave a comment on Facebook.

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With this update, you'll be able to export detailed sales data, use the new facility calendar features, & personalize emails to improve engagement.


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