Now capture leads directly from your website.

An important aspect of running a business is to convert interested prospects into customers. With this latest update, we’ve added a contact pop up where possible leads can send you a message, be it feedback or queries by filling up their contact information.


All such contacts will be collected in the Prospects tab under the Clients section on your Dashboard. This way you can go through the messages and add the relevant contacts as clients. To read the messages, you can just Click on the view message button.

Can I add them to my clients?

To add them as clients, click on the Add as a Client button. These prospects will now appear as clients in the client's tab. These clients will automatically be tagged as leads. 

How will I know, when there is a new inquiry?

You’ll also be notified via email as soon as someone posts an inquiry. Isn’t it great! This can help you respond to them faster and in an orderly manner and leads to a better customer experience for your clients. As they say - The customer is king!

Let us know what you think about this update. Login to see this in action. Do not have an account with us? Sign up for free


Introducing Prospects- Convert prospects into paying customers with ease by capturing leads directly from the website using Omnify's latest update.

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