Is it even Summer without Swimming Pools? ⛱️

As summertime is drawing near, opening up your pools safely is just the breather all of us are looking for! And why not, after these long challenging months and restricted operations, getting back to business sounds so exciting.

After having a few conversations with Pool owners and how badly their Pool services were affected during the Pandemic, we made sure to find ways to help them and get their services moving and as exciting as it was, we helped about 1000+ Pools safely reopen their services. We’ve put together a few mandates that would help you ease the process of handling Bookings and reopen your services during the COVID-19 crisis.

Omnify helps you ensure the safety of your members by accepting pre-bookings for your pool facility, schedule blocks of time if the pool is available throughout the day and accept only a limited number of patrons at a time, have patrons agree to 'Terms and Conditions' or a 'Liability Release' before completing their reservation, & more.

Tips to reopen your pools!

Omnify is a simple & efficient way to run and grow your Pool services, allowing you to manage your bookings, invoices, payments, as well as your customers and staff all together in one software, all safe and secure on the cloud! Still having second thoughts on how to ensure maximum safety of clients and staff, while COVID-19 is still on?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. With Omnify’s new-age Booking and Scheduling system , you can limit access to your facilities by using  Contactless Online Waivers & COVID-19 Declaration Forms and ensure that your clients are updated on your COVID-19 Policies, Waive off any Liabilities and effectively Filter visitors!

Just with a few steps, you can easily customize the waiver with your rules and make it mandatory for clients to accept it before making any bookings.

📝 Your Pools = Your Rules!

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⛱️ Get ready to be the ‘Summer Santa’ and throw your gates open for a safe pool-time. Here’s to the pool parties and beach bodies and all the summer fun!

With love, Team Omnify 💚

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