Service Store

A Faster, Easier and Better Way to Sell

Create your personalized Service Store to manage your business operations, and watch your brand come to life with Omnify
Omnify assists you to establish your service by providing your own personalized service store which enables your clients to book appointments online easily

Build your unique online presence

Personalize your Service Store with images, videos, official logos, cover photos, custom wordings, and start accepting online payments. Your Service Store is optimized for all devices so your clients can book from anywhere.

Service store that matches display of any devices, makes it easier to book an appointment anytime
Enable creative widgets and iframes that match your brand voice & elevate customer experience

Create no-code iFrames and widgets

Embed widgets and iframes onto your website and enable clients to make bookings directly from your website. Select between the home page, schedules page, and slot selection page to elevate your customers’ booking experience.

Drive traffic from search

Optimize your Service Store to improve the quality and quantity of traffic using SEO. Set your Service Store's title & description to be displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Turn leads into clients

Don't miss out on potential clients! Our lead generation form ensures clients can send inquiries directly from your service store. Engage with them and get them to sign up for your services.

See why 5,000+ Companies Chose Omnify to Grow

Rebecca Jane on Omnify

“Omnify makes life more comfortable, particularly with automated class bookings. Omnify has helped me transform my business into a scalable operation."

Rebecca Jane
Owner, Yoga with Rebecca Jane
Isabel Artigues on Omnify

"Omnify came to my rescue and it provided me a platform like never before. The whole scheduling, booking, payments and managing part were fixed at one go."

Isabel Artigues
Founder, Institute of the Arts Barcelona
Jim Fraser on Omnify

“Omnify has the right mix of features, customer support, and reasonable pricing. We recommend this platform for anyone needing a solution for quickly setting up a reservation process at their pool!"

Jim Fraser
CEO, Pool Management Group

One platform to do it all.

From the back office to the storefront, Omnify keeps you in control every step of the way.

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