How Trident Swim and Tennis Club opened pools safely for summer 2020!
Trident Swim and Tennis Club is a great place to visit on a hot summer day for both adults and kids. The club has some great reviews from their guests, all of whom agree that it’s a wonderful place to have a blast in the summer, clean pool and pool areas and a very well-mannered staff.
This private seasonal pool club located in Allentown, Pennsylvania has opened for the new 2020 season. And of course, keeping in mind the Covid-19 guidelines, the administration and staff was only worried about how to open the pool with utmost safety for its members and micromanage the rush with effective rules of social distancing; well, until they found us- OMNIFY!!!
After uniting with the OMNIFY platform for managing the pool crowd and dealing with all the issues of scheduling and reservation, the facility’s in-charge Sara Messick had some amazing things to tell about her business and us after her OMNIFY experience.
Let’s hear her story:

Please help us with your introduction:
Hey, I am Sara Messick.
What kind of business do you run?
I run a private, outdoor pool in the establishment called Trident Swim and Tennis Club. I am in charge of pool operations.

What challenges were you facing and what motivated you to solve them?
As our pool opens for the beautiful 2020 summers, we have prioritized observing time schedules and social distancing amidst Covid-19. This is to ensure that our pool opens with maximum safety for our members. For the same, we were in urgent need of an efficient reservation system for scheduling and thereby control the rush of crowds at the pool.
How do you use our product, and how have you benefited from using Omnify?
Trident Swim and Tennis Club uses #poolisopen as part of Omnify. It has benefited us tremendously to successfully open our private pool to members in the safest way possible.
How has Omnify improved your day-to-day life?
The best thing about Omnify is that it is a very user-friendly software. For managing businesses like ours, it is very easy for the admin setting up everything on the back-end and for the members as well. I must say it is an amazing software which has simplified our life and work in ways we never expected it would even be possible to do business in this way.
What has exceeded your expectations since working with us?
I am very satisfied with the Omnify team. Everyone is extremely helpful and the response is almost immediate. The team is constantly listening to their clients to keep improving what they already have in place. The Omnify customer service business model on top is super efficient. We love the touch of empathy that the customer support shows us which is probably not common for a tech company.
Another best thing about Omnify is all the training programs that Omnify provides online which is exceedingly helpful to get us up and running every day!
How have we managed to help you in the growth of your business? Can you share some revenue numbers/growth percentages etc?
Our business growth has been outstanding. Now, we keep getting calls from people wanting to join our pool. It seems like the word is out and people know that we have a very well planned system. We are really happy!
What would you tell someone who's considering Omnify?
“So, a few weeks back I was contacted by another pool asking about the platform we are using- and I gave them your contact information. I spoke very highly of the Omnify team. All I have to say is that we are glad we found you online.
It’s only for Omnify that our pool opening was a huge success!”
We at OMNIFY are very happy to help you Sara, Thank you!
Run your business smarter with Omnify! Sign up today to simplify bookings, memberships, and operations.
Discover the success story of Trident Swim and Tennis Club on opening pools safely for summer 2020 through this insightful case study from Omnify.