How the Cannery Neighborhood Association ensured Pool Safety with Omnify

With a hope to create a better environment for residents, visitors, and wildlife, many neighborhoods are gradually moving towards a new quality lifestyle that is more eco-friendly, healthy, and largely sustainable.
Cannery Neighborhood Association is one such progressive community around the Bay Area in Davis, CA, that emphasizes farm-to-fork living in an idealistic outdoors setup. With the concept related to open space and urban farms in mind, the way of life at the Cannery ensures that the whole community life reverberates the value of green spaces and green living.
Where green living meets total wellness
Parks, walking trails, and bike paths crisscrossing the community make sure that residents have plenty of opportunities for physical activity and fitness by either walking or riding a bike. The Cannery mainly uses renewable energy on all homes and different HOA amenities like a community recreation center featuring a lap pool and spa, an outdoor fireplace, barbeque grills, game room.

While the staff at the Cannery Neighborhood Association is perfectly invested in exploring green alternatives of a community living - giving its residents and members ample recreational opportunities such as spa and swimming - here’s how Omnify pool scheduling software helped streamline operations at this community association.
A dynamic software meeting the needs of time
The community pool at the Cannery was non-operational for a year due to the pandemic. However, as restrictions eased, they were in a muddle as to how they could reopen pools safely. Thus began their search for a proper online swimming pool software that would assist in controlling pool visits and capacity management and multiple other touchpoints.

In Omnify, they found many additional features designed for managing pool capacity. Improved features such as limiting slots per usage per person, customized liability waiver forms, Covid-19 Declaration forms, vaccination surveys, QR code check-in system, managing client data, and premium member experience, automated emails among others, effectively solved all their issues concerning the safety of the community around pool opening.

In the words of Geoff Browne (Division President at the Cannery),
“We were opening the pool facility after a year-long shutdown due to COVID-19 and were able to include a liability waiver as well as a short survey on vaccinations.”

In totality, Browne agrees that the Omnify Pool Scheduling system has a real nice interface and is appropriate for many applications. He says-
“We use it for a large HOA with several different amenities!”
A truly dependable Customer Service
Apart from the many Omnify features that helped the Cannery Neighborhood Association bring both convenience and safety to pool reservations, the latter was blown away by the responsible Omnify Customer Support professionals, which they could always count on.
“Customer Service was excellent as our representative Visvanath was very responsive and got back to me quickly when he needed to consult the IT team based on my questions.”
In the end, be it the responsive customer support that’s always paying attention to your needs or the user-friendly platform constantly providing solutions to meet all sorts of business urgencies, Omnify ensures that facilities and businesses can spend less time on unnecessary hassle and more on building client experience!
Simplifying your community’s amenity management is a must today to deliver a lot more to your members! For this you may want to check out Omnify.
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Find out how the Cannery Neighborhood Association reopened pools safely with Omnify Pool Scheduling with features like capacity management, QR code checkins etc