Why You Need an Online Reservation System for Your Pools
The time has finally arrived for you to reopen your swimming pools and get your business up and running once again.
Just like the good old days, right?

Not quite.
Operating swimming pools was never meant to be a cakewalk. Safety compliance, hospitality, maintenance were some of the myriads of factors you had to keep in mind.
Enter COVID-19, and things have gotten more complex than ever before. Social distancing, disinfecting surfaces, temperature checks are just some of the few added measures that have to be considered now.
But as most business owners know from experience - to survive and thrive, one has to keep up with the times.
This is precisely why you need an online booking system for your pools - and soon.
Not convinced? Read on to know why.
No Crowding at the Reception
It can be extremely tedious to enforce social distancing when your valued customers are all gathered at the front desk, attempting to book their place at the swimming pool through the reception staff.

This is where online reservation systems comes in -
- Visitors can now make easy online reservations on the website for their preferred time slot.
- It reduces the probability of long queues at the reception, thereby ensuring social distancing at all times.
- Business hours won't affect members as they can complete their online booking at any time.
- An online reservation system will also enhance the experience of the members/visitors.
- Your operations are smoother as you can safely accept online payments.
Furthermore, receptionists can simply log in to the app or site and view the booking data to mark their attendance.
Quick Member Feedback

Time is crucial. The only way to make the most out of the available resources is to have the right information at just the right time. An Online Reservation System for pools can prove to be of immense help to business owners -
- You can now decide on the appropriate action to ensure that no resource goes unused
- Additionally, this makes it easier for the members to pass information to you, which improves customer satisfaction
Ensure Social Distancing

The post-COVID-19 world brings with itself a set of new rules to follow, which, although necessary, can often be cumbersome.
An online reservation system helps swimming pools manage controlled visits so that all social distancing norms are adhered to without compromising on member experience
- To ensure social distancing, you need to have information on exactly how many visitors will check in at any given time
- This is only possible when all or most bookings are made in advance
It is a daunting task to ensure that all COVID-19 safety norms are followed while also providing members with a memorable experience. Making use of online reservation systems such as Omnify makes life easier for you and your staff.
Read How to open pools safely with Omnify.
The Power of Data

Data is the new gold. There is truly no limit to how far a data-driven approach can take your business if you know how to harness it.
- Booking data from online reservation systems helps you easily identify the times when demand is low, which allows you to reschedule (if needed) immediately
- Auto-generated graphs help visualize what the data is trying to tell you - such as if the demand increases when you provide new members with a week of free training
Effective Membership Management

Top-notch membership management is an effective way to grow your business. However, this is no mean feat and calls for robust data management.
The right online reservation system would have the below member management features -
- Ability to create an unlimited number of membership types
- Set up personalized discounts and differential pricing
- An instant update when a member cancels their booking or changes their timing
Read How to Increase membership for your pools
Online Waivers and COVID-19 Declaration

Online waivers let your customers accept your business policies before booking time at your facility.
While printed forms are always an option, they are far less efficient than online waivers.
Besides this, you now have software that allows you to create custom COVID-19 Declaration forms which, in some places, is mandatory for businesses.
Taking all this paperwork to the cloud helps to save time, money, effort, and helps provide a better experience for your customers.
Learn How you can set up Contactless Online Waivers & COVID-19 Declaration Forms with Omnify.
We have always believed that to succeed, you must stay a step ahead of the competition. This means offering the best experience to your customers, so they keep coming back.
It also means you work smart - not just hard. With tools like an Online Reservation System as Omnify at your disposal, you can work wonders.
A small step toward a smarter business model can mean a giant leap forward for your business reputation.
May success be yours!
Looking for an intuitive Pool Scheduling Software? Find out how Omnify is the best fit for your business needs. Sign up for a FREE TRIAL and get started today!
As swimming pools are set to open, Omnify shares how pool reservation software helps swim schools & clubs streamline operations & follow Covid19 protocols.