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Sukanya Kakoty

Reopen Pools Safely in 2021 | Webinar Recap

Summer is approaching in full swing - and that means it’s pool season! While we are quite excited to take a dip in the pool, as managers of the pool, summer comes with its own set of challenges. And with the fear of the Coronavirus looming over us, rethinking the pool reopening practices is a necessity.

Our in-house expert, Moinak Mukherjee (Business Development Manager and Product Specialist) along with Shreya Ganesh (Product Marketing Associate), teamed up to talk about the best ways to reopen pools safely in 2021.

Watch it here

Here’s a gist - 

Taking a Digital Approach

Avoiding gatherings should be the first step toward making the facility COVID-friendly. The best way to ensure this is to set up an online reservation system for your pool. 

What is an online reservation system, and why do you need it?

Omnify’s Reservation and Booking Software makes this transition a cakewalk! With such a software, you can set up all your available pool slots on your personalized website. Through this website, every member of the community can simply choose the slot of their choice and book for them and their family! No more crowding with members showing up at the facility, waiting in long queues at the frontdesk to book their slot for the pool!

Manage Capacity

6 feet apart - that’s the norm now! And to ensure social distancing, it is vital to limit the capacity in the facility. Limiting occupancy of common spaces (especially bathrooms, locker rooms, etc) will also make it easier for your staff to manage the facility while maintaining a safe distance. With a booking software, restricting access will be so easy to manage!

Providing Fair and Equitable Access to the Pool

It is a common assumption that if one has to restrict capacity at the facility, certain members of the community might get left behind. Well, that’s not entirely true! With features such as Booking Restrictions, Omnify makes it easy for every member to get equal access to the pool! By enabling booking restrictions, you can put a limit to the number of times a certain patron can access the pool, thereby giving a chance to everyone to take a dip!

See how The Drifter reopened their pool, adhering to the new norm. 

COVID-19 Declaration Forms

Each time a member or client makes a booking with you, ensure that they fill out a COVID-19 declaration form. You can customize it to add questions to know their travel history, or medical symptoms. This is to ensure every member entering your facility is completely safe.

Go one step further with Contactless Check-Ins

Imagine being the most tech-savvy business in the market! With contactless check-ins, your members can now check-in themselves by just scanning a QR Code. All you need to do is print a QR Code of your liking and add it to your front desk. Hasslefree check-ins with the added benefit of safety!

Set up Contactless Check-Ins for your Pool!

In times like these, flexibility is key. Adapting well will put you ahead of the game. These are just some of the features you can opt for, when considering reopening your pool. Experts at Omnify discuss this in much deeper detail in our upcoming webinars! Go ahead, register yourselves! 


Navigating through the new normal is not easy. Read about the best ways to reopen your pool using a pool reservation software.

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