How to open pools safely with Omnify
Pool season is here and everyone is fully geared to take a refreshing plunge! ‘Stay at home’ orders are easing and pool clubs in America are all-set to reopen with Covid-19 preparedness as a priority. For upgrading safety, pool owners will be ensuring pool operations at a reduced capacity to promote social distancing, club-in members from the same household in one slot, block an hour or so to facilitate disinfecting process between sessions and manage registrations through online reservation platforms.
That said, to address the very obstacles related to the pandemic, online scheduling platform Omnify becomes very accommodating for pool owners to find reliable solutions. With Omnify, pool owners can set up a user-friendly system administrator at a very reasonable cost and enable numerous features for administrators to systematize and control almost all aspects of registration, bookings and scheduling; and most of all assures smart use of pools during this unusual summer to make pool time as classical as possible!
Omnify features include:
- Setting up blocks of ‘pool time’ to manage crowds.
- Capping of the number of attendees for particular blocks of time.
- Pre-bookings and Membership Access Management for pool patrons.
- Provides a platform to the pool-owners to upload ‘liability waivers’ and ‘terms of service’ which pool patrons need to agree to before reserving time at the pool.
- ‘Check-ins’ feature to help track detailed reports of attendance and occupancy.
- Creating buffer time between slots for disinfecting between visits and entry and exit of different batches.

- Seamless integration with the existing websites of pool facilities.
- Frequent software updates for a needful and dynamic experience.
In the present scenario, Omnify is the best technology solution to create the safest pool experience for communities. Its user-friendly interface improves the experience for both administrator and the end user, with a perfect blend of diverse features, attractive pricing and friendly customer support.
The users shall get control over their business through Omnify with hassle-free support and safe pool time this summer!
We understand that pool time is important for physical and mental wellbeing. Hence, Omnify believes in bringing normalcy back and a safe pool time for all..!! We are in this together!
To open your pools safely Sign Up or Schedule a Demo.
To know why pool-time is important, read 7 Benefits of Pool-time.
Is Your Pool Following Safe Guidelines During Covid-19 Pandemic? Read How you can use Omnify to open pools safely